Evangelion Pixels NFT


A limited pixel art NFT collection in homage to the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime.

The project was built using the Metaplex Candy Machine v2 tool, which provides in-built functionality for minting and selling NFT collections in the Solana ecosystem. The project includes a hard-coded mint start date and time, a limited number of mints, and a 5% royalty on secondary sales.

The webpage frontend reads from the Solana blockchain to fetch and display all minted NFTs in the collection, which are stored on Arweave.

Deployed on the Solana devnet.

As a personal hacking project not using dedicated hosting, please note when visiting the app that it may take a few moments to spin up from the server and Arweave image data will take a few seconds to load.

#Solana #Metaplex #Arweave #ReactJS #Vercel #Full Stack


Ship Name Service (Polygon)


10 Print NFT (Ethereum)